BTS: Thank you!

This series was titled “Sweet Creatures” on behalf of everyone who has crossed my path; everyone.

This story wouldn’t have been possible without these people:

B – my husband. Thank you for allowing me space to still be an individual, thank you for being an ear, being endlessly supportive, and your faith in me. I LOVE YOU, duh.
Kare – my absolute biggest cheerleader and entire support system while all of this was actually transpiring. I love you forever.
Katie – my rock. Thanks for understanding and challenging me. Thank you for editing everything. I love you.

Liz, Natalie, Julie, Nadia & Sally – thank you for your sincere support and all of your love. I’ve gnawed your ears off, and you have supported, encouraged, and loved me through it all. I love you all.
Jeremy – thank you for being gracious, meeting with me, and I’m glad we’re still in touch. You helped me more than I could ever express. Sincerely. Forever grateful our paths crossed when they did. All love to you.
Eric – while I know it’s impossible you’ll ever see this, thank you for loving and accepting me as I was. I am sorry I wasn’t able to see what you saw. I promise I’ll get there. All love to you in the sky.

And lastly, 

Jerry* – I am thankful to you sincerely. Our time together forever changed me. Thank you for meeting up with me – I know what you risked. I know this is not what you expected from us meeting up – neither did I. Know I understand how much it sucks when things don’t turn out the way you wanted. I truly wish you all the love and joy this life has to offer you.